Skin Care
20 March 2024 ( 38 views )

Tips For Dealing With Postpartum Skin Blemishes

Tips for dealing with postpartum skin blemishes

Your body experiences several changes after you give birth to your baby. The reasons for these changes are many as your body faces drop in the levels of progesterone and estrogen. To further increase the complication your body experiences loss of salt and water. These changes leads to many skin problems like loss or elasticity and dry skin. However, the most annoying of these skin problems are the skin blemishes, which are difficult to cure. If dealing with postpartum skin blemishes has become a problem for you, then keep reading, because the advice below would help you a lot.

Tips for Dealing with Postpartum Skin Blemishes

Moisturize Your Skin
It's important to moisturize your skin properly, because as mentioned above one of the prime reason for skin blemishes is dry skin. Therefore, it's better to use a moisturizer or thick body lotion, two times a day, this would make sure that your skin remains supple and soft. While applying the lotion or cream on your skin you must do some massage and it would help in better penetration of the cream under the skin and you would get faster results.

Avoid Using Strong Soap
If you use strong soaps there is a good chance that it would suck the moisture out of your skin. Therefore, it's always better to use herbal soaps that have mild effect on your skin. You can additionally use oils like almond oil or olive oil to moisturize your skin properly. You must know that moist skin absorbs that cream in a much better way and it's best to use them after taking bath or washing your face.

Avoid Sun
It's better to avoid sun and when you go out you should apply creams that have more than 30 SPF levels. Whether the climate is sunny, rain, or cloudy, it doesn't matter you should always apply sun protection cream before leaving your house. When staying in the house make sun protection an important part of your daily routine.

Be Gentle on Your Skin
Use the products that are mild on your skin and avoid strong skin care products. This includes using face creams and cleansers that don't irritate your skin. Doing that would increase your existing skin problems.

Avoid Some Contraceptives
There are some contraceptives that have estrogen in them, it's better to avoid these contraceptives and start using those which don't have estrogen. However, if you are breast feeding you won't be using these medicines anyway.


Becoming a mother is a great experience, but it might create some complications. If you are facing postpartum skin blemishes, then use the tips given above for dealing with postpartum skin blemishes and enhance your joy of being a mother.

Written By: Heminjie1

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